摘要:信:指不悖原文,即准确,不偏离,不遗漏,也不随意增减。达:不拘泥于原文形式,译文通顺明白。雅:指译文选用词语要得体,追求文章本身的古雅,简明优雅。这个国家西南部50英里的地方坐落着一座美丽的高山。1 Fifty miles southwes...
1 Fifty miles southwest of the country lies/stands the beautiful mountain.
2 The beautiful mountain lies/stands 50 miles southwest of the country.
3 The beautiful mountain is located 50 miles southwest of the country.
4 The beautiful mountain is situated 50 miles southwest of the country.
钱全部花光之后,Tommy 开始找工作。
1 All the money having been spent,Tommy started looking/hunting for work/a job.
2 After Tommy had spent all the money,he started to look for work.
3 Having spent all the money,Tommy began hunting for a job.
4 Tommy having spent all the money,he started looking for work.